Precordior leads bed monitoring integration in $74.1m Moore4Medical EU project

June 17, 2020

Precordior leads integration of the advanced bed monitoring system developed in the Moore4Medical project in 2020–2023 for detection of atrial fibrillation during sleep. Heart failure monitoring and detection of coronary artery disease are also studied in the project.

The overarching objective of Moore4Medical is to accelerate innovation in electronic medical devices. In comparison with the pace of innovation in electronic consumer products, innovation for medical devices is lagging behind.

The Moore4Medical project features emerging medical applications that offer significant new opportunities for the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) industry. These include an advanced AI based sensor system for a bed environment, where Precordior leads integration of demonstrator prototypes. Using advanced miniaturized technologies, the system will continuously monitor the person's vital signs and scan for signs of atrial fibrillation. The bed monitoring system is developed in WP6 Continuous Monitoring.

Other Moore4Medical applications include active implantable devices (bioelectronic medicines), organ-on-chip, drug adherence monitoring, smart ultrasound, and radiation free interventions. The new technologies will help fighting the increasing cost of healthcare by reducing the need for hospitalization, helping the development of personalized therapies, and realizing intelligent point-of-care diagnostic tools.

Bed monitoring supports Precordior's medium-term roadmap

As part of its product strategy over the next five years, Precordior is participating in several European funded projects. In the $38.4m Applause project, Precordior leads the development and commercialization of a flexible, stretchable multi-sensor patch for continuous cardiac monitoring and detecting of heart failure over a two-week period. In the $74.1m Moore4Medical project, Precordior leads the integration and commercialization of a novel AI based bed monitoring system for cardiac monitoring and detection of atrial fibrillation during sleep, also studying detection of heart failure and coronary artery disease.

By 2025 the target is to provide a full range of cardiac monitoring solutions from one-minute measurements (via app) to 24/7 monitoring for up to two weeks (via patch) to long-term monitoring for months to years during sleep (via bed monitoring).

“European projects are key to establishing mutually beneficial transnational partnerships and supply chains”, says Tuomas Valtonen, COO of Precordior. “Long-term funding provides a stable pathway to developing next-generation products, which would otherwise be difficult in today's fast-paced economy.“

Enhanced European competitiveness via open platforms

Moore4Medical is coordinated by Philips N.V. and brings together 68 companies and research organizations from twelve countries to develop open technology platforms for these emerging fields to help them bridge “the Valley of Death” in shorter time and at lower cost. Open technology platforms used by multiple users for multiple applications with the prospect of medium to high volume markets are an attractive proposition for the European ECS industry.

The combination of typical MedTech applications with an ECS style platform approach will enhance the competitiveness for the emerging medical domains addressed in Moore4Medical. With value and IP moving from the technology level towards applications and solutions, defragmentation and open technology platforms will be key in acquiring and maintaining a premier position for Europe in the forefront of affordable healthcare.

– We are excited to play a role in the establishment of an open European platform for the MedTech domain. In today's volatile global situation, the significance of trustworthy partnerships and regional supply chains is growing increasingly evident.

About ECSEL JU and Business Finland

The Moore4Medical project is funded by the ECSEL Joint Undertaking, Business Finland and other national funding agencies. The ECSEL Joint Undertaking – the public-private partnership for electronic components and systems – funds research, development and innovation projects for world-class expertise in these key enabling technologies, essential for Europe's competitive leadership in the era of the digital economy. Business Finland is the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel and investment promotion. Business Finland creates new growth by helping businesses go global and by supporting and funding innovations.



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